@oliverandrich @webology I am still stuck with gmail and leaving feels super hard.
This sounds like I need a support group 😂
@oliverandrich @webology I am still stuck with gmail and leaving feels super hard.
This sounds like I need a support group 😂
@tcurdt @oliverandrich I suspect we all do.
I have struggled with it for years, and I knew I should stop using my Gmail for new website services, and now I am several hundred websites deeper in auth debt.
I keep meaning to a some time over a few lunch hours a week to update my email address, but I apparently need to schedule it, so I stop putting it off.
@webology @tcurdt I was in the very same position years ago, and had to move accounts away from google because I have used my gmail address every. After a few weeks I was so fed up with it that I simply deleted the gmail account. The important accounts have been moved to my personal domain and the rest... well, in case I need one again, I signed up for a new account.
What did you move to? And how was the rest of the migration?
...besides the manual website auth transitions.
@tcurdt @webology I switched to a personal domain and moved all my mails to mailbox.org. Since then I have moved at least 4 times again and now I am using Apples Mail service, cause it is easior for my wife. But I can now move easily without losing anything. For personal cloud storage we use Apple and a hosted NextCloud for contracts and stuff. But neither me or my wife are collectors. I think we use 400 GB Storage for all our personal data max. Not counting code repositories of course. :)