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Python Podcast
Ein deutschsprachiger Podcast rund um die Programmiersprache Python.
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Neue Episode: @shezi , Dominik und @jochen unterhalten sich über Arrays und Sequenzen:

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Django 5.1 released

The Django team is happy to announce the release of Django 5.1.

The release notesshowcase a kaleidoscope of improvements. A few highlights are:

Easier guardrails for authentication: the new and shiny LoginRequiredMiddleware,when added to <tt class="docutils literal">MIDDLEWARE</tt>, enforces authentication for all views by default.
A more inclusive framework: Django 5.1 includes several accessibilityenhancements, such as improved screen reader support in the admininterface, more semantic HTML elements, and better association of help textand labels with form fieldsets.
The second oldest ticket fixed in this release provides the long awaitedquerystring template tag,which greatly simplifies the handling of query strings when building URLs intemplates.

(If you are curious about the oldest ticket fixed in this release, check out Ticket #10743.)

You can get Django 5.1 from our downloads page or from the Python Package Index. The PGP key ID used for thisrelease is Natalia Bidart: 2EE82A8D9470983E.

With the release of Django 5.1, Django 5.0 has reached the end of mainstreamsupport. The final minor bug fix release, 5.0.8, was issued yesterday.Django 5.0 will receive security and data loss fixes until April 2025. Allusers are encouraged to upgrade before then to continue receiving fixes forsecurity issues.

See the downloads page for a table ofsupported versions and the future release schedule.

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We have just released eGenix PyRun 2.5.0 - A Python runtime taking up only 6MB on disk, making it ideal to product distributions, container images and even local venvs.

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It has been said that the great scientific disciplines are examples of giants standing on the shoulders of other giants. It has also been said that the software industry is an example of midgets standing on the toes of other midgets.

— Alan Cooper

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A family dashboard for kids.

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I’m very exhausted to announce attrs 24.1.0!

It comes severely delayed, but I hope the many bug fixes, speed improvements, and features like __attrs_init_subclass__ or three-argument converters make the wait worth it.

Many thanks go to Klaviyo for their continued support at The Dedicated Organization tier!

Edited 169d ago

Neue Episode: @shezi, Dominik und @jochen unterhalten sich über das Python Data Model:

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Just published: A complete guide to implementing SSO with SAML in Django. Have a look!

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My talk from @djangoconeurope is now available online - Go give it a watch!

Then, after that, go give django-tasks a try:

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📢 The rest of the videos from DjangoCon Europe 2024 are now live on our YouTube channel! 📺✨

Watch all the keynotes, talks, and workshops you missed:

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Neapolitan v24.5 is now available on PyPI. Fixes a wee issue in 24.4 that you almost certainly didn't notice. Thanks @EmmaDelescolle 🎁

$ pip install -U neapolitan

Enjoy! 🦄

Neue Episode: Ronny, Dominik und @jochen unterhalten sich über die DjangoCon Europe 2024:

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I am standing for election to the board of the Python Software Foundation - you can read my pitch and those of the other candidates at . Cc @ThePSF

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🎉 News Django News Newsletter: Django News - Django 5.1 beta 1 and Python 3.13.0 beta 3 released - Jun 28th 2024

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Django 5.1 beta 1 released

Django 5.1 beta 1 is now available. It represents the second stage in the 5.1release cycle and is an opportunity for you to try out the changes coming inDjango 5.1.

Django 5.1 brings a kaleidoscope of improvements which you can read about inthe in-development 5.1 release notes.

Only bugs in new features and regressions from earlier versions of Django willbe fixed between now and the 5.1 final release. Translations will be updatedfollowing the "string freeze", which occurs when the release candidate isissued. The current release schedule calls for arelease candidate in a month from now, and a final release to follow about twoweeks after that, scheduled for August 7th.

Early and frequent testing from the community will help minimize the number ofbugs in the release. Updates on the release schedule are available on theDjango forum.

As with all alpha and beta packages, this is not for production use. But ifyou'd like to take some of the new features for a spin, or to help find and fixbugs (which should be reported to the issue tracker), you can grab a copy of the betapackage from our downloads page oron PyPI.

The PGP key ID used for this release is Natalia Bidart: 2EE82A8D9470983E.

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Python Podcast boosted

I have published a new blog post on configuring SQLite for production in Django 5.0, 4.2 or older, and Django 5.1 and newer!

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I've finally finished my new module, "django-cool-urls". You can use it to make sure your site never has another outgoing dead link, or just to convert YouTube embeds into proper <video> tags pointing to local files.

Explanatory blog post:


Source code:


It's already in use on my own site, but perhaps someone else will find it useful.

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New approved DEP! Django Enhancement Proposal 14: Background Workers – Great work @jake @carlton ❤️

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Ep164: Buttondown with Justin Duke is live!

Justin is the founder of Buttondown, a newsletter service built with Django. We discuss scaling the code, and the team behind the project, the email space in general, new developments in web development, and Django features he’d like to see.

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CW Python
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Ever wanted to generate a next page link while keeping your filtering options in place? Now you can! 🤯

Try out {% query_string %} a new template tag in Django 5.1 that allows changing a QueryDict instance for use in links. 🔗

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finally ready to announce that my git zine, “How Git Works", is coming out in ONE WEEK! on Friday May 31!

it also comes with this (free!) cheat sheet which you can download and print out here:

Edited 237d ago
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I'm looking for some help running a GitHub organization dedicated to supporting community-maintained third-party packages.

I've written up an introduction here:

You can join here:

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I want to thank everyone who donated. In the end we raised over $15,300 from over 280 Donations at !

This will contribute to building communities, giving Pythonistas a chance to lead initiatives and support a lot of conferences who want to see a more diverse Python community.